PhD Research Studentships

SEMS/China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD studentships for entry in September 2017

Apply by:31 January 2017


SEMS/China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD studentships for entry in September 2017

Application Deadline: 31-01-2017

The School of Engineering and Materials Science is pleased to announce that it has been allocated China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD studentships for entry in September 2017.

Under the scheme, Queen Mary will provide scholarships to cover all tuition fees, whilst the CSC will provide living expenses and one return flight ticket to successful applicants.

The School is seeking China Scholarship Council (CSC) Applicants for the following Projects/Supervisors:

  • Advanced constrained optimal control and design for engineering systems

Supervisors: Guang Li, Vassili Toropov

  • Biocompatible and Implantable Optical Waveguide

Supervisors: Lei Su, Helena Azevedo

  • Bioengineering approaches combining multiple stimulus to induce fast and robust differentiation of stem cells

Supervisors: Nuria Gavara, Julia Shelton

  • Bioinspired Mechanisms for Active Force Generation

Supervisors: Himadri S. Gupta, Wen Wang

  • Co-axial rotor aerodynamics and acoustics for wind and water renewable energy

Supervisors: Eldad Avital, Jens Muller, Theo Alexander, John Williams

  • Computational Graphene Nanohydrodynamics: digital technologies for the large-scale processing of nanocomposite materials

Supervisors: Lorenzo Botto, Ettore Barbieri, Emiliano Bilotti, Ton Peijs

Design of responsive polymeric nanomaterials for gene delivery applications

Supervisors: Julien Gautrot, Wen Wang

  • Fabrication and feasibility study for biomedical applications of Multifunctional Remote Controlled Delivery systems based on composite nanostructured microcapsules

Supervisors: Gleb Sukhorukov, Magda Titirici, Andrei Sapelkin (Physics)

  • Finite Block Method in Bio-Fluid Mechanics

Supervisors: Pihua WenWen Wang

  • Kirigami engineered stretchable sensors for e?skin

Supervisors: Emiliano Bilotti, Ettore Barbieri

  • Low?cost robot manipulator for minimally invasive surgery

Supervisors: Kaspar Althoefer, Hasan Shaheed, Mohamed A Thaha (Blizard Institute, QMUL)

  • Mechanotransduction from the tumour microenvironment and its impact on cancer stem cell function

Supervisors: David Lee, Christopher Heeschen (Barts Cancer Institute)

  • Meshfree methods for combined cracking, folding and creasing of stretchable electronics

Supervisor: Ettore Barbieri

  • Microfluidics and Smart Phone Point-of-Care Diagnostics

Supervisors: Pankaj Vadgama, Lei Su

  • Microstructural regulation of mechanotransduction in osteoinductive synthetic bone graft substitutes

Supervisors: Karin Hing, Martin Knight

  • Multifunctional nanoengineered composite materials

Supervisors: Ton Peijs, Emiliano Bilotti

  • Multiscale Modelling of Dissolutive Wetting

Supervisors: Yi Sui, Mike Reece, Quanzi Yuan (Chinese Academy of Science)

  • Nature-inspired Hirerachically Chiral Materials

Supervisors: Magdalena Titirici, Himadri Gupta

  • Next Generation Thermochromic Thin Films

Supervisors: Russell Binions, Steve Dunn

  • Novel carbon quantum dot based sensor surfaces for photo-electrochemical imaging of living cells

Supervisors: Steffi Krause, Maria-Magdalena Titirici

  • Primary cilia mediated stem cell mechanotransduction in response to fluid shear and the effect of substrate chemistry in bone substitute materials

Supervisors: Martin Knight, Karin Hing, Wen Wang

  • Room temperature single phase multiferroic materials

Supervisors: Haixue Yan, Mike Reece, Isaac Abrahams

  • Self-assembled thermoelectric materials

Supervisors: Oliver Fenwick, Emiliano Bilotti

  • Supramolecular branched polymers for displaying sugars and peptides for cell recognition

Supervisors: Helena Azevedo, Remzi Becer

  • Sustained Dropwise Condensation and Applications

Supervisors: Hua Sheng Wang, John W. Rose

  • The Breakup and Coalescence of Colloidal Liquids for 3D Printing

Supervisor: Jose Rafael Castrejon-Pita

  • Thermoelectrics from earth abundant and non-toxic elements

Supervisors: Mike Reece, Haixue Yan

  • Photoactive materials for solar energy conversion in photo-fuel cell devices

Supervisors: Ana Belen Jorge SobridoMaria-Magdalena Titirici

  • TBC

Supervisors: Wen Wang, Helena Azevedo

  • TBC

Supervisors: Wen Wang, Himadri Gupta, Dr Yong-Jie Lu

  • Large Eddy Simulation of Supercritical Fuel Injection and Spray Combustion

Supervisors: Xi Jiang, Yi Sui

Application Method:

Before applying you need to ensure that the School has the expertise within the specific area to supervise your research. To do this you should visit the School research web pages and review individual staff’s research interests.
If you are able to identify a match with your own research interests, the next step is to complete the online application process to an appropriate Engineering or Materials PhD programme:

Please remember to include a reference to the "China Scholarship Council" and also the name of the Project/Supervisor to associate your application with that studentship opportunity.

Candidates will need to demonstrate their proficiency in English equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.5 (with a minimum score of 6.0 in Writing and 5.5 in each of the other test components).

Candidates will need to submit a formal online application to the university by 31 January 2017.

If successful in securing an offer from QMUL, candidates will then need to apply to the CSC for approval and to confirm funding.

Further Guidance on how to apply for a PhD in general is available via:


  • The minimum requirement for this studentship opportunity is a good honours degree (minimum 2(i) honours or equivalent) or MSc/MRes in a relevant discipline.
  • For 2024-5, the UKRI and Queen Mary stipend rate is £21,237;
  • If English is not your first language, you will require a valid English certificate equivalent to IELTS 6.5+ overall with a minimum score of 6.0 in Writing and 5.5 in all sections (Reading, Listening, Speaking).
  • Candidates are expected to start in (Semester ).