Year 2020 News 



 QMES Holds The Third Meeting of the Student-Staff Liaison Committee



On June 23, the third meeting of the Student-Staff Liaison Committee of QMES was held at Room 413, East Teaching Building A, Chang'an Campus. The meeting was held both online and offline. Vice Dean and Director, Chen Jun; Vice Dean and Vice Director, Fan Xiaoli; Executive Vice Dean and Vice Director, Andrew Bushby; Assistant Dean, Cheng Yin; Faculty committee members Qi Yue, Shi Xuetao, Gao Pengfei, Maria Romero-Gonzalez, Gabriel Cavalli, Alan Allman and student members Liu Yang, Liu Shubo, Sui Yupeng, Lin Wanran, Su Yi, Hu Zhenghao, Zheng Zhi, Yuan Chuhan, Li Tianyu, Li Can, Liu Yinuo, Zhang Xuechen, Hou Siyu and Yu Chuan attended this meeting. The whole meeting was hosted by Chen Jun.

The Student-Staff Liaison Committee is an important mechanism to promote the talents cultivation of QMES, guide, help and serve the growth of students and enhance the communication between teachers and students. It has played an important role in promoting the development of the school in the past three years since its establishment. The detailed preliminary investigations by the student members and the answers from the teacher representatives provide a powerful guarantee for the further improvement of the daily management, curriculum setting, teaching and administration of QMES.

This meeting enhanced the in-depth communication between teachers and students of QMES, solved many problems that puzzled the students, and created new possibilities for the School to educate all-round international talents.

 Building Communication Skills Across Materials and Biomedical Science



Starting from October 2019, ICTL funded a project to enhance students' skills in building communication skills across Materials or Polymer Science and Engineering, and Biomedical Science, led by Ms. Faith Nightingale (School of Language, Linguistics and Film) and Dr. Maria Romero-Gonzalez (School of Engineering and Material Sciences).

The aim was for students to explore the connections between their major and Biomedical Science thus providing common ground between them and students from Queen Mary School, Nanchang University and other TNE programmes. Students were engaging in peer-to-peer learning and using all the skills and knowledge that they had developed from their modules at Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU.

2019年10月,在西北工业大学伦敦玛丽女王大学工程学院国际教学研究中心(ICTL)的大力支持下,来自伦敦玛丽女王大学语言、语言学和电影学院的Faith Nightingale(玛丽女王工程学院《个人发展规划1&2&3》课程负责人)与来自工程与材料科学学院的Maria Romero-Gonzalez(玛丽女王工程学院《材料学1&2》课程负责人)共同发起了一场跨学科交际能力训练项目,以期帮助学生搭建一个平台,来探索研究生物医学材料在生活中的应用。


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 Double Master Degree Programme Application of NPU was Approved



On January 8, the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Chinese Ministry of Education issued the reply onthe Change to School Operation Matters of the Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, Northwestern Polytechnical University(hereinafter referred to as QMES) (Jiao Wai Si Ban Xue [2020] No.84), approving that Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) will carry out the double master degree of Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools. The newly approved postgraduate programme includes four majors (or authorised degrees); Materials Science and Engineering, Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Organic Chemistry (Organic Electronics), Biomedical Engineering. In 2020, the programme officially enrols students with a duration of 3 years schooling (including 9-12 months inQMUL). The annual enrolmentheadcount is no more than 65 students in total per cohort, which is included in the national postgraduate enrolment plan and the NPU postgraduate enrolment plan. After graduation, students will be granted an NPU postgraduate graduation certificate, NPU masters degree certificate and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) masters degree certificate.

This is the first time that NPU has been approved at a masters level Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools since NPU launched the bachelor level Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools with QMUL in 2016. This breakthrough in the level and scale of joint education programme marks the new stage of our international cooperation in education.



An Open Letter to QMES
DearTeachers, Colleagues and Students:
Hope this letter finds you all well!
如大家所知,从今年1 月开始,在中国和多个国家相继出现了新型冠
状肺炎这一紧急公共卫生事件,从2020 年1 月30 开始,世界卫生组织宣
布构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件(PHEIC),2 月29 日,将COVID-19
的统一安排部署下,西北工业大学决定自2 月24 日开始,在抗“疫”特殊时
It’s well-known that an outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia
epidemic took place in China and many other countries successively since
January. On 30thJanuary 2020, The World Health Organization declared it a
public health emergency of international concern and further raised the risk
presented by COVID-19 to the public in the world to be very high on 29th
February. In accordance with the unified deployment of national and Shaanxi
provincial governments, since 24th February, NPU decided to deliver distance
online teaching and learning (T&L) during the epidemic, which could obstruct
returning to campus but can’t stop T&L.
见附件),有效地提升了线上教学实效。自2 月24 日以来,教师积极利用
克服时差问题,重排课表,在伦敦经常6、7 点钟早起授课,做出了非凡的
As the Joint Education Institute presented by both universities’
arrangement, QMES adopted distance online teaching and learning based on the
scheduled semester weeks. The school’s administration team made a
comprehensive preparation to support the online T&L effect (as attached). Since
February 24th, all teachers have made full use of online teaching approaches to
improve teaching quality and learning experience. Queen Mary teachers, in
particular, have made extraordinary efforts and overcome the inconveniences
such as the time difference as well as the timetable rearrangement. They had to
get up as early as 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. in London to deliver courses. Currently, the
online T&L is running smoothly and has received positive feedback from
teachers and students.
在此,我们谨代表西北工业大学、伦敦玛丽女王大学,代表QMES 联
在线教学先进经验,积极发挥辐射带动作用,将 “教学不断线、质量不放
Hereby, on behalf of NPU, Queen Mary and Joint Administrative
Committee of QMES, we would like to extend our cordial greetings to all the
faculty and students and express our sincere appreciation to teachers’
contributions and students’ understanding! Meanwhile, we expect QMES will
promote the constructive online teaching experience and take a demonstrative
role by ensuring the smooth online T&L delivery and tracking students’
learning outcomes to maintain the high-quality T&L.
陕西省、西安市已连续10 天没有新增病例,复工复产等各项工作正在有序
Shoots bursting through the soil are the messengers of the warm spring,
telling us that hope is coming soon. With joint effort, no new cases have been
confirmed in Xi’an for 10 consecutive days. Everything is gradually going back
on track. We believe that the university reopening is also under consideration
and preparation.
Let us keep close collaboration to make the online T&L more successful. A
thousand miles can’t stop us from reunion soon!
万小朋 (Xiaopeng Wan)
王 文 (Wen Wang)
2020 年3 月2 日
March 2nd, 2020