Open Days
Queen Mary holds open days for undergraduate and postgraduate students both online and in-person, throughout the year.
On-demand subject talks
We recorded seven undergraduate subject talks during the autumn of 2023, which are now available for you to watch on-demand.
Each talk was delivered by an academic lead, and provides an introduction to their subject area.
Campus Tours
If your visit to Queen Mary does not coincide with the next open day, you can book a guided campus tour. These run twice a week and normally last for about one hour. The tour is intentionally restricted to a small, informal group so that everyone has the chance to ask questions. Campus tours are a great way of seeing the University's facilities and accommodation options.
If you'd like to enquire about dropping into the Engineering department for a conversation about studying here, you can email
Offer Holder Days
Invitation-only events
Once a student applies to, and receives an offer for, an engineering/materials science programme, they will be invited to an offer-holder day. These events give offer holders an opportunity to see our campus and facilities, find out a bit more about the course they have chosen, and meet current students, academics and support staff. The events are also a great opportunity to socialise with others who have applied for the same course.
Please note that there is extremely limited parking at the Mile End campus, and the surrounding area is a Controlled Parking Zone. You are strongly advised to use public transport if visiting Queen Mary. If you are attending an event and have accessibility needs, please contact