
British Council support joint wind energy research project with VIT Chennai

3 April 2024

Illustration of a small H type vertical axis wind turbine
Illustration of a small H type vertical axis wind turbine
Large eddy simulation of flow around a wind turbine blade
Large eddy simulation of flow around a wind turbine blade

The British Council supports a joint masters educational-research project between Queen Mary and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) in Chennai. The masters will research distributed wind energy for urban and rural requirements, integration and energy conversion.

The project consortium also consists of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras India and Deutsche WindGuard India. About 20 UK and India master students jointly pursue multidisciplinary research to find the requirements of small urban and rural users. Emphasis is on wind resources, aerodynamic efficiency, control and integration with water pumping for energy storage and irrigation. The industrial partner and other stakeholders are expected to adopt new innovative designs that will also be disseminated through conferences and journals.

The master students will go through a joint training programme that includes advanced topics in aerodynamics, mechanics, control, electro-mechanical design and system engineering, while also receiving complementary hands-on computational, analytical and experimental training. The project is led by Dr Eldad Avital on the QMUL side and supported by Dr Ranjan Vepa, Dr Neil Cagney and Dr Mouna Chetehouna. This exciting project and its opportunities are offered to SEMS MEng and MSc students and is expected to prepare them well for the renewable energy sector.


1. Congratulations to the student Kiran Saga and Hardit Saini for the excellent presentation of our paper in WES 2024, see the following for further information

2. The project welcomes the new MEng team of Andrews Agyei, Imad Foughali, Omar Abdi, Raima Rahman, Milcha Maresha, Aaman Abbasi.

3. Congratulations to the team for having our abstract accepted to the AIAA regional student conference in Melbourne Australia. Stay tuned for further news about it.

Contact:Eldad Avital
Research Centres:Intelligent Transport Research in Engineering and Materials Education