
SEMS November Industrial Liaison Forum including PhD Research Showcase and and Student Awards

9 November 2022

Research showcase
Research showcase

We were pleased to once again hold the bi-annual Industrial Liaison Forum live in-person at Queen Mary University of London on 9th November 2022 in the Octagon.

The event was well attended by staff and students as well as industrialists. The day was broken up into five parts, starting in the morning with the PhD and PDRA research showcase, followed by the annual School of Engineering and Materials Science Prize Day ceremony for the 2020-2021 academic year, a networking lunch in the Senior Common Room, employer panel sessions and an Industrial Advisory Board meeting.

The Research Showcase was of great interest to faculty, students and attending industrialists alike. Over 50 posters were displayed and there were 15 flash presentations.

The annual school Prize Day ceremony then followed with over twenty student prizes. All of the winners were honoured to have their prizes delivered by the Head of School, Hazel Screen, and Deputy Director for Education, Roberto Volpe.

The afternoon consisted of four separate panel sessions, chaired by academic and support staff and made up of attending industrial participants, alumni and current placement students. The panels were followed by an Industrial Advisory Board meeting focused on employer-led education and analysing the NSS results.

The next Industrial Liaison Forum will again be held in the Octagon on 8th March 2023 and will be focused on showcasing our current final year BEng and MEng projects.

Contact:Oliver Fenwick
People:Oliver FENWICK
Research Centres:Bioengineering Intelligent Transport Research in Engineering and Materials Education Sustainable Engineering

Updated by: Oliver Fenwick