
Another Hugely Successful ILF Completed

26 February 2020

ILF 2020 in full swing
ILF 2020 in full swing

The School of Engineering and Materials Science hosted another successful Industrial Liaison Forum (ILF) on Wednesday 26th February 2020 which attracted 85 visitors during the day. The focus was on our Taught Programme Student Projects with more than 100 of our students having the opportunity to discuss their projects with each other, QMUL staff and external visitors.

40 external partners from more than 35 organisations attended a networking event for our students. The event highlighted many potential new student projects to explore for the next academic year. It was especially pleasing to note that we had 35 SEMS alumni attend the event this year.

The SEMS Industrial Liaison Forum has now been held twice a year for ten years and provides an opportunity for students, academics and industrial links to interact and further Queen Mary’s strong position and reputation within the engineering and materials science sectors.

Contact:Crawford Blagden
Tel:020 7882 8743
Research Centre:Bioengineering

Updated by: James Busfield