
Robot Hand Team Wins Top Prize at ILF

26 February 2020

The MEng group being congratulated by Dr Adrian Briggs (on the right)
The MEng group being congratulated by Dr Adrian Briggs (on the right)
The ILF in action
The ILF in action

A team of 4th year MEng students Jamie SENGUN, Ahmed DEIRI, Talha TAILOR, Kai PAGE & Mohammed KHAN who have been working on the "Soft 3D-printed Robotic Hand" project supervised by Dr Lorenzo Jamone & Dr Ketao Zhang won the best MEng group project prize at the Annual SEMS taught student Industrial Liaison Forum. They group is undertaking an ambitious project to construct a prototype 3-D printed robotic hand with novel touch sensing to enable delicate complex manipulations.

Contact:James Busfield
Tel:020 7882 8866
People:Ketao ZHANG Kaspar ALTHOEFER
Research Centre:Bioengineering

Updated by: James Busfield