
Industrial Liaison Forum #4 Prize Winners Announced

21 April 2021

Afra Pasha presenting her winning poster at the ILF.
Afra Pasha presenting her winning poster at the ILF.

The fourth Industrial Liaison Forum (ILF#4) took place online on 21 April 2021. ILF#4 was the 3rd year undergraduate Project Showcase. We had invited 35 students to present their project posters. The event attended by more than 170 visitors at the peak including several of our Industrial Advisory Board Members, potential new students and alumni. The event was very successful with a lot of positive feedback and all the students who participated did a great job of presenting their work. There were 12 judges shared around the various themed rooms and the scores have been collated to determine the best project winners for 2021. The following 6 have will all receive a prize for their excellent performance on Wednesday.

The Aero Prize was shared by Nouman Rashid supervised by Sergey Karabasov on “The Aerodynamic Development of Winglets” and Shorish Hadaf supervised by Ahmed Ismail on “CDF Analysis of a moving boundary layer flow control method using rotating cylinders”

The Bioengineering Prize was won by Dimah Al-Ani supervised by David Lee on “Modelling PLGA fibrous scaffold with controllable mechanical properties and degradation rates for cartilage tissue engineering”

The Materials Prize was won by Afra Meem Pasha supervised by Joe Briscoe on “Efficiency Optimisation of Photo-electro-chemical Water Splitting Using Cu2O Inverse Opal Photocathode”

The Mechanical Engineering Prize was shared by Alfred Puchner supervised by Rafa Castrejon-Pita on “Aided recovery of a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament” and Thomas Mack supervised by Ketao Zhang on “The Design and Simulation of a Novel Electro-Adhesive Pad”

The next event is ILF#5 which is on Wednesday 28th April 2021 using the same platform as ILF#4 to showcase our 4th year MEng projects.

Contact:James Busfield

Updated by: James Busfield