
Double Success with KTP Grants Awarded

11 March 2020

THEUNSEEN and Lucideon logos
THEUNSEEN and Lucideon logos
Cell screening of implant materials
Cell screening of implant materials

SEMS has secured two new Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTPs) grants this month. This success represents a total of about £500K in grant funding and a doubling of SEMS portfolio to a total of 4 live KTP projects. This is all of the live KTP projects running at QMUL currently.

The first project between Lucideon and Dr Karin Hing (SEMS) & Dr Simon Rawlinson (Dentistry) resulted from discussions initiated during the SEMS ILF event last year. The company aims to develop the business of their healthcare division by drawing upon the expertise at QMUL to establish an integrated cell testing facility at Lucideon to complement their established medical-device materials characterisation services. This will facilitate the innovation of novel formulations & concepts in biomaterials to improve the safety & efficacy of materials used in medical-devices & implants.

The second project between The Unseen, a London-based SME, and Dr Joe Briscoe & Dr Emiliano Bilotti also resulted from SEMS ILF discussions last year. The company aim to develop novel woven electrochromic device(s) for integration into a wearable fabric that exploit novel electrochromic (EC) colour changes that have not been currently explored through to commercialisation. This represents an exciting opportunity to translate QM’s research into sportswear.

Contact:James Busfield
Tel:020 7882 8866
People:Joe BRISCOE Karin HING
Research Centre:Bioengineering

Updated by: James Busfield