
3rd Year Project Poster Winners Announced

26 February 2020

Thomas (right) and Corina (middle) being congratulated by Dr Adrian Briggs.
Thomas (right) and Corina (middle) being congratulated by Dr Adrian Briggs.

The Spring Industrial Liaison Forum one again played host to the 3rd year project student poster showcase. Two winners were selected from the 300+ posters that were submitted. These were from Thomas Kellock for his poster on "Spiral Microfluidics for Circulating Tumour Cell Isolation" who is supervised by Yi Sui and Corina-Ruxandra Deacu for her poster on "Preparation and Characterisation of Hybrid Polymer-Glass Membranes for Guided Tissue Regeneration" who is supervised by Julien Gautrot. The poster judges noted the exceptional high standards on display this year.

Contact:Prof James Busfield
Tel:020 7882 8866
People:Julien GAUTROT Yi SUI
Research Centre:Bioengineering

Updated by: James Busfield