
New grant on mechanobiology of bone tumours

1 February 2018

New research grant on bone cancer mechanobiology and primary cilia funded by the EU.
New research grant on bone cancer mechanobiology and primary cilia funded by the EU.

Dr Stefaan Verbruggen has recently joined the bioengineering group at Queen Mary on a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship. Stefaan is working in Prof Martin Knight's research group investigating the role of mechanical forces in bone cancer and the involvement of primary cilia.

Stefaan's project is entitled 'META-DORM: Mechanobiology of METAstatic and DORMant cancer cells in bone marrow lesions' and will examine the interaction the interaction between cancer cells and bone cells, and how this is regulated by mechanical forces and the primary cilia. The 1st year of the 2 year collaborative fellowship is taking place in Prof Jacobs mechanobiology labs at Columbia University in the USA.

Contact:Martin Knight
Tel:020 7882 8868
People:Martin KNIGHT
Research Centre:Bioengineering

Updated by: Martin Knight