Research to heal fetal membranes receives funding from Great Ormond Street and Sparks Charity.
27 March 2017
Dr Tina Chowdhury has been awarded a project grant by GOSH and Sparks charity (£148, 862). The project will develop a novel therapy to heal fetal membrane defects in the womb with Anna David (fetal medicine professor, UCL), Alvaro Mata (nanotechnology professor, SEMS), Jan Deprest (fetal surgeon/professor, Leuven), Dan Bader (biomechanics professor, Southampton) and David Becker (wound healing professor, Singapore).
The project will support David Barrett (currently RoseTrees Trust/IoB PhD student) as a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant for the next three years.
For more details about the project, please visit Tina's blog:
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