
Research to heal fetal membranes receives funding from Great Ormond Street and Sparks Charity.

27 March 2017

Research to heal fetal membranes receives funding from Great Ormond Street and Sparks Charity.

Dr Tina Chowdhury has been awarded a project grant by GOSH and Sparks charity (£148, 862). The project will develop a novel therapy to heal fetal membrane defects in the womb with Anna David (fetal medicine professor, UCL), Alvaro Mata (nanotechnology professor, SEMS), Jan Deprest (fetal surgeon/professor, Leuven), Dan Bader (biomechanics professor, Southampton) and David Becker (wound healing professor, Singapore).

The project will support David Barrett (currently RoseTrees Trust/IoB PhD student) as a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant for the next three years.

For more details about the project, please visit Tina's blog:

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