UKJEEL 2019: Programme

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Thursday 5th September 2019

08:30 Registration and Coffee
09:30 Welcome to Queen Mary University of London
Professor Colin Bailey, Principal & President, QMUL

Welcome to UKJEEL

Professor Rod Smith, Imperial College

10:00 Invited Talk: Subject TBC
Professor Yuji Tanabe, Niigata University
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Invited Talk: Subject TBC
Dr Philip Harrison, University of Glasgow
14:45 Parallel Sessions:
- Dr Yousef Zawahreh
- Presentation Preparation

The Octagon, QMUL

Friday 6th September 2019

08:30 Registration and Coffee
09:00 Parallel Sessions: 
- Active Learning
- Presentation Preparation
12:00 Tours:
- School of Engineering and Materials Science
- School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science 
13:00 Lunch and Group Photograph
14:00 Invited Talk: Can You Teach Engineering Without Lectures? 
Professor Peter Goodhew, University of Liverpool
15:00 Student Presentations
19:00 Dinner
The Empress Public House, London, E9 7LH

Saturday 7th September 2019

09:30 Tube to Brunel Museum
Meet at Mile End Tube Station

Tube to Science Museum
South Kensington Tube Station