
8th International Conference on Carbon NanoParticle based Composites

17th-19th July 2019, London, UK

Individual nanocarbon particles possess exceptional intrinsic mechanical and functional performance, offering great promise in composite materials. More than 22 years since the Nobel Prize for the discovery of fullerenes (Curl, Kroto, Smalley; 1996) and 8 years since the Nobel Prize for groundbreaking experiments on graphene (Geim, Novoselov; 2010), the challenge still remains to manifest these intrinsic properties at the macroscopic scale. Progress relies on the continued development of nanocarbon synthesis, functionalisation, and processing methods to create practical, optimised architectures. Indeed, manufacturing processes for many advanced nanocarbons are increasingly being scaled towards commercial production, highlighting opportunities for implementation in the field.

CNPComp2019 aims at sharing knowledge and experience on nanocarbon-based composite systems, that are currently at different stages of maturity, in order to advance the state of the art in understanding and application.

CNPComp2019 continues a series of successful conferences on carbon-based nanocomposites that originated from the European thematic network CNT-NET. The conference focuses on the preparation and properties of composites containing all kinds of carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) including nanotubes, graphenes, blacks, and related materials. Whilst there is an emphasis on polymeric matrices, contributions on metallic or ceramic systems are welcome. The goal is to share knowledge and experience, in particular between nanocarbon systems that are currently at different stages of maturity, in order to advance the state of the art in understanding and application.

Traditionally, the conferences were held biannually and alternating between Hamburg and Cambridge, the home towns of the two main initiators of the conference series: Prof Karl Schulte and Prof. Alan Windle. In more recent years, CNPComp has been held in Dresden, chaired by Petra Potschke and Prof. Milo Shaffer.

For the first time next year, the conference will be hosted in London, on 17-19 July 2019. Please do put the dates in your diary.

We are looking forward receiving your contribution for CNPComp2019 and welcome you to London.

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Prof. Petra Pötschke (IPF Dresden, Germany) & Prof. Milo Shaffer (Imperial College London, UK).

Organising Committee Chair

  • Dr. Emiliano Bilotti (Queen Mary, University of London, UK).