
Launch of the Centre for Academic Inclusion in Science and Engineering

Launch of the Centre for Academic Inclusion in Science and Engineering
Date: Monday 31 October 2022 16:00 - 18:00
Register at: eventbrite

Centre for Academic Inclusion in Science and Engineering CAISE

The Faculty of Science and Engineering has opened a virtual centre to promote inclusive education led by the CAISE Director, two Deputies and School Leads across the Faculty. The formal launch for CAISE with a presentation and refreshments on 31st October, 4 pm, in the Octagon. At this event, we will showcase our current activity in Inclusive Education and unveil our plans to other Queen Mary and external guests. Everyone with an interest in Inclusive Education is encouraged to attend, particularly student representatives and sabbaticals, Heads of School, Directors of Education, staff with responsibility over championing Scholarship, Professional Services working in Access and Widening Participation and members of our EDI committees.

There will be an Eventbrite link to register participation, so that we can organise the event in detail, with attention to participant numbers. This link will be released soon.

As part of the event, I would like to encourage staff and students to contribute with posters showcasing current activity in the field of Inclusive Education, following the instructions in the attachment.

The formation of CAISE aligns with the work of the Inclusive Curriculum Workstream, part of the Queen Mary Curriculum Development Strategic Project. This responds to a central aim of Strategy 2030, where our teaching across all programmes will be substantially aligned to the Queen Mary Principles of an Inclusive Curriculum.

This is as an opportunity to develop truly transformative inclusive pedagogies for STEM Higher Education capable of eliminating awarding gaps and support all students to manifest and be recognised for their potential. CAISE will support Schools in the Faculty to design their actions contributing to the implementation of an Inclusive Curriculum, by providing support and resources and sharing good practice across our Schools. It will also galvanise efforts to develop Scholarship to underpin these actions, including those necessary for evaluation of our initiatives and teaching.

CAISE is a Faculty flagship of our commitment to opening the doors of opportunity for our students. I would like all our staff in joining me to support this initiative and contribute from their own perspectives and roles to its success.

Arranged by:QMUL S&E Faculty
Research Centre:Research in Engineering and Materials Education