Levelling Up: Maths for Engineering: Apply

Please complete this application form with as much detail as you can provide. By submitting an application to the Levelling Up scheme, you will be registered to receive updates from the School of Engineering and Materials Science at Queen Mary University of London. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time.

Please complete all entries labelled red asterisk

If you would like to chat to the team, please do contact us at sems-outreach@qmul.ac.uk.

About You
First name:
Email address:
Do you identify as female?
Will you be under the age of 18 on 1st February 2025?
Which London Borough do you live in?
Current Study
Current school/college:
Are you currently in Year 12?
          (i.e. first year of your A-Levels)
Are you studying A-Level Maths?
What other A-Levels are you studying?
University Study
What year do you plan to start university?
Are you considering studying engineering at university?
If so, do you know which specific engineering subject you would like to study?
Application Statement
Tell us why you'd like to join Levelling Up: Maths for Engineering:
Security Check
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