
Congratulations to Hussain Abid, who finished in the top 5 for the Best Student Paper in Aeroacoustics at the 2023 Aviation Forum

15 June 2023

Large Eddy Simulation showing the effect of the chevron penetration length (PL) and angle (PA) on the high-speed jet development
Large Eddy Simulation showing the effect of the chevron penetration length (PL) and angle (PA) on the high-speed jet development

Well done to Hussain Abid, whose paper AIAA 2023-3934 “Numerical Investigation of Jet Installation Noise for Chevron Nozzles” made it to the top 5 Best Student Papers in Aeroacoustics at the 2023 Aviation Forum of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the premier aerospace conference in the world.

The paper comprises results of numerical investigations of the effect of chevron nozzles on jet-installation noise for a range of different types of chevron nozzles installed near a flat plate and different jet Mach numbers. The calculations are performed using a cutting-edge Large Eddy Simulation method based on the CABARET scheme and accelerated on Graphics Processing Units.

The best paper award went to the University of Southampton. And other runners-up of this international competition included presentations from University of Twente, University of Dublin Trinity College, and University of California Davis.

Contact:Sergey Karabasov
People:Sergey KARABASOV Hussain Ali ABID
Research Centre:Intelligent Transport

Updated by: Sergey Karabasov