Congratulations to Nabila, Ruixin and Luoguang on passing their PhD vivas
24 January 2023


Front cover highlight in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics published by Ruixin
Congratulations to Nabila Naz, Ruixin Lu and Luoguang Zhao who passed their PhD vivas on the 9th, 23rd and 24th January 2023, respectively, with minor corrections. All three students are from the Biofluid Mechanics Lab led by Professors Yi Sui and Wen Wang. They have been working on topics including mechanical modelling of cancer cells and digital twins for electric cell sorting in microfluidics. The work has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
- Nabila will start her independent career as Lecturer in the University of Kent.
- Ruixin has got multiple job offers from the University of Maryland (US), National University of Sinagore, and the University of Barcelona (Spain).
- Luoguang has secured a lectureship from the Hubei University of Technology.
We wish all three the very best in their future endeavours!
Contact: | Yi Sui |
Email: | |
People: | Yi SUI Wen WANG |
Research Centre: | Bioengineering |
Updated by: Yi Sui