
Soft Matter Group Returns to European Conference on Constitutive Modelling of Rubber in Milan

11 September 2022

ECCMR conference picture from left to right: Kirsty, Maddie, Eathan, Aaron, Giacomo, James, William, Anureet, Evangelos, Rattapong, Keizo (1995), Maria del Mar, Menglong (2016) and Travis (2022).
ECCMR conference picture from left to right: Kirsty, Maddie, Eathan, Aaron, Giacomo, James, William, Anureet, Evangelos, Rattapong, Keizo (1995), Maria del Mar, Menglong (2016) and Travis (2022).

After the Covid hiatus, it was great to take 12 of the Soft Matter Group to Milan with me to participate in European Conference on Constitutive Modelling of Rubber (ECCMR) 2022. It was fantastic opportunity to see so many old friends in person and to see what the community has been up to over the last 3 years since we last all met up. The QMUL group was the largest delegation and between us we gave 10 presentations and 1 poster pitch.

For many of the team it was their first in person ‘real’ conference and all did QMUL proud in their professional performances. In addition to the current SMG members, it was great to meet up with some former SMG members at the event, some of whom made it into the compulsory group photo during the conference dinner.

Contact:James Busfield
Research Centre:Intelligent Transport

Updated by: James Busfield