25 Years of Service at Queen Mary for Prof Martin Knight
16 February 2022
Professor Knight writes:
"I have officially been recognised as providing service to Queen Mary for 25 years! This goes back to my post doc years holding an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship based in the Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) in Biomedical Materials.
"It has been a pleasure and a privaledge to work at Queen Mary throughout this time. I hugely enjoy (almost) all aspects of my job, including my new role as Faculty Dean for Research. I have worked with many talented and lovely people, both academics and professional services staff. I am particularly indebted to my research group of post docs and PhD student who are responsible for generating our exciting research data in the areas of mechanobiology, primary cilia and organ-on-a-chip.
"I have also been lucky enough to be able to be part-time (80% FTE) ever since my EPSRC Fellowship. Initially I used my one day off a week to help with looking after our children, but as they have grown up I have more time for myself!"
Contact: | Martin Knight |
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People: | Martin KNIGHT |
Updated by: Martin Knight