
ACS Biomacromolecules paper on peptide cross-linked poly(2-oxazoline) as a sensor material for the detection of proteases accepted

7 June 2019

Protease sensitive hydrogels based on peptide cross-linked poly(2-oxazoline) co-polymer
Protease sensitive hydrogels based on peptide cross-linked poly(2-oxazoline) co-polymer

Norlaily Ahamad's paper on peptide cross-linked poly(2-oxazoline) as a sensor material for the detection of proteases has been accepted by Biomacromolecules. Increased levels of active proteases are frequently associated with inflammatory conditions, and there is increasing demand for point of care devices for monitoring inflammation. Norlaily cross-linked a poly(2-oxazoline) co-polymer with a peptide that can be cleaved by matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) on a quartz crystal microbalance. The resulting hydrogel is sensitive to MMP-9 and shows a mass loss and changes in its viscoelastic properties in the presence of the protease. The details of the paper are as follows: Norlaily Ahmad, Burcu Colak, Martin John Gibbs, De-Wen Zhang, Julien E. Gautrot, Michael Watkinson, C. Remzi Becer, Steffi Krause; Peptide cross-linked poly(2-oxazoline) as a sensor material for the detection of proteases with a Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Biomacromolecules,

Contact:Steffi Krause
Tel:020 7882 3747
People:Steffi KRAUSE Julien GAUTROT
Research Centre:Bioengineering

Updated by: Steffi Krause