
Michele Ghilardi wins the Presentation Prize at EuroEAP 2017

7 June 2017

Hugh (left) and Michele (2nd left) are busy explaining their prototype device to conference delegates.
Hugh (left) and Michele (2nd left) are busy explaining their prototype device to conference delegates.
After the victory the QMUL team is seen relaxing in Spain.
After the victory the QMUL team is seen relaxing in Spain.
Michele Ghilardi a PhD student supervised by Prof. Federico Carpi and Prof. James Busfield has won the Best Presentation Prize at EuroEAP 2017. In his talk an entirely novel design for a dielectric elastomer actuator-driven positioning system was deomnstrated live. Prof. James Busfield noted that "The demonstrator, created in partnership with Hugh Boys, was very highly regarded by the judging panel as a highly accomplished prototype."
Contact:Prof James Busfield

Updated by: James Busfield