
Best MEng Group Prize

10 March 2017

The MEng group and two of their supervisors with their demonstration
The MEng group and two of their supervisors with their demonstration
In a very tight competition between the 17 MEng group projects this year, the group supervised by Yi Sui, Rafa Castrejón-Pita and Wen Wang working on "A microfluidic device to sort rigid and deformable particles in flows" won the award for the best Group Display at the ILF. The judges were particularly impressed with the demonstrations that the students had set up in the exhibition in the Octagon. The team members are Shuhala Ahad, Elliot Allen, Mohammed Hussain, Omar Siddiq, Deniz Ucan & Tapiwa Murisa
Contact:James Busfield
Tel:020 78828866
People:Yi SUI Wen WANG

Updated by: James Busfield