
Dr Avital has joined the AIAA Terrestrial Energy Systems Technical Committee

25 April 2023

Pistons model of a MTF fusion reactor, see
Pistons model of a MTF fusion reactor, see
Simulation of blade deformation of a water turbine, see
Simulation of blade deformation of a water turbine, see

Dr Avital has joined the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Terrestrial Energy Systems Technical Committee from May 2023. The committee deals with the application of engineering sciences and system engineering to the production, storage, distribution, and conservation of energy for terrestrial uses. This is a recognition of the excellent research that has been carried out in the field of power and energy by his research group.

In recent times, the group has been working with companies as General Fusion to develop new technologies to address growing needs for clean energy in order to signficantly reduce adverse environmental effects of energy production, (e.g. The group also works on the development of new fluid dynamic technologies to improve the efficiency of fluid systems for power production as of wind and water (e.g. and novel power cycles to extract energy from renewable sources.

Research Centre:

Updated by: Eldad Avital