
Watch Harry Bhadeshia's inaugural lecture from QM's Night of Science and Engineering

9 March 2023

Harry Bhadeshia
Harry Bhadeshia

On 8 February 2023 Harry Bhadeshia gave his inaugural lecture at Queen Mary University of London

Harry discussed the often haphazard yet remarkably graceful motion of atoms within solid iron, and how his work seeks to exploit these properties to build inspiring new physical forms, such as the world’s first bulk-produced nanostructured alloy.

A highly respected figure in the field of metallurgy, Sir Harry has authored and co-authored over 650 papers and several books on the subject. As a fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering, Sir Harry has also been awarded the Bessemer Gold Medal by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and was appointed the first Tata Steel Professor of Metallurgy in 2008.

Sir Harry’s numerous collaborations include partnering with British Steel to develop alloys for the Channel Tunnel rails and working on high-performance armour steel with the Ministry of Defence. Sir Harry’s lecture was presented as part of QM's Night of Science and Engineering event, an evening hosted by Queen Mary’s Faculty of Science and Engineering in celebration of our latest cutting-edge research. Guests had the opportunity to take part in demonstrations and immersive experiences showcasing our work, whilst networking with our academics and distinguished partners.


Updated by: Harry Bhadeshia