Materials50 - Join us for a celebration of 50 years of Materials graduates from Queen Mary University of London
22 October 2021
We are delighted to invite you to our Materials50 celebrations.
“It is 50 years since the first graduates from the Department of Materials founded by Professor Edgar Andrews at Queen Mary College, University of London graduated in the Royal Albert Hall. We felt that we should celebrate these 50 years of graduates from London and welcome the first cohort from Xi’an."
We have put together an event that we hope you will enjoy (Programme).
The three sessions have previous Heads of Materials looking back, previous students and staff talking about where they have gone since leaving us. Finally, four current members of staff will talk about their research activities indicating where we hope we will progress over the years to come.
We hope you'll all join us. Please register for this event before Monday 1 November 2021.
Materials50 Organising Committee
Contact: | Emiliano Bilotti |
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Updated by: Emiliano Bilotti