
"Mitigating and harnessing sound for renewables and power generation", a talk will be given on Dr Avital group's research in this field as part of the UK Acoustics Network seminar programme.

7 June 2021

We will look at several cases studies spanning from high to low intensity sound applications for energy engineering and sound-structure interaction. The first case is the high speed jet noise, where focus will be given to crackle noise which appears in supersonic jets but difficult to capture using power spectrum analysis. Modelling and experimental findings will be presented. The second study case will be harnessing high amplitude sound waves for compressing plasma in a hydrogen fusion reactor, where high performance computations of fluid-sound-structure interaction will be discussed. The third study case is of small kinetic turbine blades, showing how small geometry alternations can significantly reduce tonal noise while also improving aerodynamic performance, where computational and experimental analysis will be presented. Finally as time permits we will touch again at sound-structure interaction in the linear sense.

Further details are on


Updated by: Eldad Avital