
Thibault Degousée successfully passes his PhD viva

30 June 2020

Thibault at the Plastic Electronic Materials Winter School in Switzerland
Thibault at the Plastic Electronic Materials Winter School in Switzerland
Thibault Degousée has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Organic thermoelectric materials". His work covered structure-property relationships in polymer materials used to convert waste heat into electricity.

Thibault was employed on a SEMS studentship, but also travelled to Italy several times to conduct X-ray scattering experiments through the Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme. Last year he presented his research to policy makers in the Palace of Westminster.

He is leaving SEMS but we're happy that he is not leaving Queen Mary, as he has taken up a post-doctoral position in the School of Physics and Astronomy where he will investigate the thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions.
People:Oliver FENWICK

Updated by: Oliver Fenwick