
First PhD from the Centre for Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ)

23 March 2020

Alberto Caenazzo
Alberto Caenazzo
Kaspar Althoefer (PhD supervisor)
Kaspar Althoefer (PhD supervisor)
Alberto Caenazzo successfully defended his PhD studies on "Integrated Hydraulic Steering and Signal Transmission Technologies Applied to Novel MRI-Compatible Intravascular Catheters".

Because of the coronavirus crisis, the viva was conducted entirely online. Despite that the viva was completed without a hitch, allowing Alberto to present his novel research in catheter robotics to the remote examiners, Elena de Momi (University of Milan) Emiliano Bilotti (QMUL) and the independent chair Helena Azevedo (QMUL).

Congratulations to Alberto!
Contact:Kaspar Althoefer
Tel:+44 20 7882 3419
People:Kaspar ALTHOEFER

Updated by: Kaspar Althoefer