Colleagues from Queen Mary University of London Engineering School of Northwestern Polytechnical University (QMES) visit Mile End
1 August 2018

A welcome dinner was hosted by Vice-Principal for Science and Engineering, Professor Wen Wang

Taking part in the School of Engineering and Materials Science ceremony as part of summer graduation 2018.
Colleagues from the Queen Mary University of London Engineering School of Northwestern Polytechnical University (QMES) in China, a Sino-foreign Joint Educational Institute, visited Queen Mary from Monday 16 to Friday 27 July for staff development in teaching and learning.
The visit was part of the activities of the new International Centre for Teaching and Learning (ICTL), which was recently launched in June and forms part of QMES. ICTL aims to establish best teaching and learning practice across STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
The visit was part of the activities of the new International Centre for Teaching and Learning (ICTL), which was recently launched in June and forms part of QMES. ICTL aims to establish best teaching and learning practice across STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
Updated by: Laura Crane-Brewer