
Funding for a Bioengineering Experience

7 July 2014

Funding for a Bioengineering Experience
The “bioengineering experience” is a creative public engagement idea that will help scientists to communicate their expertise and passion for science and engineering to a wider audience. Dr Tina Chowdhury has developed this activity to bridge the gap between children and real-life scientists and engineers.

The project will facilitate a two-way engagement process with school children and the younger public and showcase the amazing work that is conducted at the Institute of Bioengineering (IOB). In particular, Tina's team would like to highlight the passion of both the scientists and
students who do the research to reach a broader audience as well as the general

Speaking about the event, Tina said "This initiative is a friendly, hands on event that will provide children with access to real-world research facilities and will help to create an environment where our audience will have a two-way exchange with IOB scientists. It's possible that the children’s questions or ideas might inform or stimulate the way we do research!"
Contact:Dr Tina Chowdhury

Updated by: Corinne Hanlon