BBSRC grant awarded 'Targeted drug delivery to neurons and glia using light-and field-sensitive microcapsules'
26 September 2011

Figure 1.
Prof. Gleb Sukhorukov (SEMS) was awarded a BBSRC grant together with UCL (Prof.Rusakov and Dr.Volynski) and School of Physics and Astronomy, QMUL (A. Sapelkin and M.Baxendale). The project is entitled "Targeted drug delivery to neurons and glia using light-and field-sensitive microcapsules". The research will be devoted to elaboration of encapsulation technology for delivery of specific signalling molecules into targeted nerve and glial cells while monitoring cell function in real time and finally in finally in organized brain tissues at UCL.
QMUL based research will be conducted in newly opened Nano-Bio-materials processing lab.
Figure 1. An example of TRITC release (810nm light, emission shown in red) from a capsule internalised by a B50 cell in culture. Top: Experiment diagram. Bottom: A. The test cell with capsules inside; arrow indicates the site of release B: Residual emission in the cell lumen four hours after irradiation.
QMUL based research will be conducted in newly opened Nano-Bio-materials processing lab.
Figure 1. An example of TRITC release (810nm light, emission shown in red) from a capsule internalised by a B50 cell in culture. Top: Experiment diagram. Bottom: A. The test cell with capsules inside; arrow indicates the site of release B: Residual emission in the cell lumen four hours after irradiation.
Contact: | Prof Gleb Sukhorukov |
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Updated by: Jonathon Hills