
Royal Society supporting a Sino-British project on conductive polymers

8 March 2010

Royal Society supporting a Sino-British project on conductive polymers
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the British Royal Society (RS) will support a joint Sino-British project on “Multi-Component Polymer Conductive Fiber”. The project proposed by Prof. Fu Qiang of Sichuan University in Chengdu and Prof. Ton Peijs is one of 19 projects awarded in the 2010 round. The project is co-ordinated by Dr. Hua Deng, a former PhD of Queen Mary and now at Sichuan University. The project’s specific aim is to develop conductive polymer composite fibres based on carbon nanotubes for applications such as smart textiles. At the same time it also intends to develop strong polymer research links between the QMUL/Nanoforce team and the College of Polymer Science and Engineering, and the State Key Laboratory for Polymer Materials at Sichuan University.
Contact:Ton Peijs