
Placement & Internships Bootcamp

Dates: Tuesday 10-Wednesday 11 September 2024
Location:Engineering 3.24
Register at:

We have fantastic sessions planned to improve your skills in searching for job adverts, making applications, succeeding at assessment centres and interviewing.

The 2 day bootcamp will include:

  • Introduction sessions with both Rate my placement and Gradcracker showing how to use their platforms to find opportunities

  • Acing the Assessment Centre with Career Consultant Pash and AWE representatives sharing their insight

  • Successful applications using AI with guests: returning placement students sharing their advice

  • Interview skills advice session with BAE systems representatives

Please complete the form as soon as possible to reconfirm your place and encourage your classmates to come along.

I have been allocated a limited budget for food and drink for us over the 2 days, so accurate numbers are super helpful for me!

Contact:Helen Green
People:Helen GREEN