
Seminar: Dr. Manyalibo J. Matthews on Process Sensing and Control in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Seminar: Dr. Manyalibo J. Matthews on Process Sensing and Control in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Date: Monday 8 April 2024 14:00 - 15:00

Process Sensing and Control in Metal Additive Manufacturing

Dr Manyalibo J. Matthews

Division Leader, Materials Science Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States

High cooling rates and feedstock material based on casting alloys create the conditions for nonequilibrium and often nonideal solidified microstructures during laser powder bed (LPBF) fusion additive manufacturing. Furthermore, the geometric complexity of metal 3D printed LPBF objects is typically associated with changes in thermal boundary conditions that drives the need for voxel-level thermal process control. Using a combination of predictive models for the mesoscale melt pool dynamics, thermal history, grain nucleation models and in situ sensing, we show that the net processing conditions can be tailored to produce more optimal material structure and properties. Furthermore, precise laser energy control as a function of thermal boundary conditions will be shown to also limit macroscale defects in LPBF, further enhancing part-scale properties and performance. Additional topics in LPBF will be discussed including in situ process monitoring, functionally-graded material processing and micro lattice fabrication. A brief introduction to Materials Science Division research at LLNL will also be presented. Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.