
Thermal-chemical-fluid dynamics of multi-metal additive manufacturing: In-situ alloying, composition control and species mixing

Chinnapat Panwisawas
Chinnapat Panwisawas
Date: Monday 8 August 2022 13:00 - 14:00


Understanding the underlying mechanisms of metal additive manufacturing (AM) through computational materials science necessitates to materials design and process optimisation. The stochastic nature of emerging AM microstructure induced by thermal-chemical-fluid dynamics is the key to maximise the AM performance. It is likely induced by metal powder size/shape distribution, energy input by process parameters, processing-induced defects (e.g. porosity, crack), and second phase precipitation, which all result in microstructural variations and site-specific behaviour. Multi-metal AM is an emerging research underpinning numerous technologies including AM repair of dissimilar metals and in-situ alloying. Understand the fluid dynamics of multi-metals powders and laser using powder-bed AM as a function of AM process parameters through a high-fidelity multi-physics modelling rationalises the multi-metal thermal-chemical-fluid flow and allows the link between composition and metal fluid flow science to be constructed. The results provide insights into elemental powder AM and in-situ alloying of NiAl, NiTi and TiAl binary metals. The melt flow dynamics is characterised by non-dimensionless Reynolds (Re) and Péclet (Pe) numbers. The mass loss rate has been found to be governed by the Re with a simple proportional correlation linked with AM process behaviour. In in-situ binary alloying, convective species mixing further complicates the mass loss and flow dynamics. The novel materials-process design developed will lead to AM design of optimum final product composition and mitigation of defect formation. The framework provides a materials physics-based approach to simulate the multi-metal AM process. Synergy between modelling and in-situ experiments needs to be steered for accomplishing the novel digital disruptive materials and process design for metal AM.

Contact:Chinnapat Panwisawas
People:Chinnapat  PANWISAWAS