
Professional Services Transformation

Date: Wednesday 30 March 2022 14:00 - 15:00
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Join us on 30 March 2-3pm, for the first in a series of Town Hall events on the work Professional Services will deliver to support the delivery of Strategy 2030!

What is Professional Services Transformation?

Professional Services Transformation is developing and delivering projects that will enable Queen Mary to provide better support services to staff and students, and deliver better ways of working.

Programme Objectives

Our University 2030 Strategy is ambitious. It requires professional support, improved and consistent processes, technology that enables more time for value-added work that facilitates engagement with our services. We want to be recognised for the high quality and timeliness of the services we provide to academics, to students and to each other.

We will be working through a programme of defined projects and work streams, whilst maintaining engagement with the University community. Key stakeholders for our work include the Faculty Vice-Principals, Heads of Departments, our Student Leaders and those with the close involvement of Support Services Process Owners and Departmental Managers.

The PS Transformation programme aims to support a Professional Services culture of inclusion, collaboration and effective delivery. To create clear service standards and improve underlying processes and systems, giving staff and students the resources, guidance, support and importantly the confidence their requirements are understood and driving professional services activity.

The programme team are taking careful account of the learnings from previous change programmes at Queen Mary and from other universities who are engaged in similar activity. We want you to join us in supporting agreed projects, getting involved in the work streams and taking advantage of new development opportunities that will come through this programme.

This Programme is sponsored by our Chief Officers and led by Dr Sharon Ellis, Director of Professional Services Transformation. It will run to 2024, by which time we aim to have reviewed and improved underlying systems and processes, our internal governance, ways of working, and empowered professional services teams so they are recognised for their exceptional contribution to delivering our ambitious 2030 Strategy.