
From atoms to engineering structures by Sir Harry Bhadeshia FRS FREng

Sir Harry Bhadeshia
Sir Harry Bhadeshia
Date: Wednesday 23 February 2022 15:00 - 16:00
Location:Skeel LT, People's Palace and via Teams

From atoms to engineering structures by Sir Harry Bhadeshia FRS FREng

There might be 300,000 alloys of iron available today, with an annual production of 1.6 trillion kg adding to the quality of life. This success is attributed to cost, the ability for mass production, and the thousands of phase changes and processes that can be exploited to manipulate the properties of steels.

The challenge then, is in developing quantitative theory that not only represents the known domain, but enables predictions that can be verified experimentally and implemented for commercially.

I will describe how the choreography of atoms during a particular solid-state phase transformation has led to the first carbide-free rail in the world, the first bulk nanostructured metal in the world and so much more.

Books covering this particular subject in much greater depth can be downloaded freely from:

Contact:Liz Tanner
People:Harry  BHADESHIA