
5th Russell Binions Memorial PhD Symposium

5th Russell Binions Memorial PhD Symposium
Date: Wednesday 27 April 2022 09:30 - 18:30
Location:David Sizer Lecture Theatre and Bancroft 2.40

Scientific Programme

Room 1: David Sizer Lecture Theatre


Session Chairs: Thomas Iskratsch and Hossein Heidari

Time PhD Student Supervisor Title
9:30-9:45 Natalia Munoz Castro (online) Liz Tanner Developing Bone Secondary Microenvironments for Personalised Medicine
9:45-10:00 Kaiyuan Niu Wen Wang IL-10 signaling in human vascular development: human vascular cell differentiation from induced-pluripotent stem cells
10:00-10:15 Chiara Da San Martino Julian Gautrot Design of an organ-on-a-chip model of soft-hard tissue interfaces
10:15-10:30 Sean Herault Rob Krams Development of a new High Throughput CRISPR platform for detection of microRNA
10:30-10:45 Rachel Jacques Steffi Krause Silicon based photoelectrochemical imaging and monitoring of cardiomyocyte organoids
10:45-11:00 Hassan Kanso Julian Gautrot Biophysics of Self-Assembled Protein Nanosheets for Stem Cell-Based Biotechnologies
11:00-11:15 Brenda Garcia Sanchez Hazel Screen Novel Models of Tendinopathy on a Chip
11.15-11.45 Mid session Coffee Break
11:45-12:00 Dariel Jurado Terrazas Martin Knight Organ-on-a-chip model of cartilage disease
12.00-12:15 Caoimhe O'Neil Thomas Iskratsch Nanotechnology approaches for the investigation of cardiac mechanosensing
12:15-12:30 Sujitha Kunalan Karin Hing Bioactive Bioresorbable Composites
12:30-12:45 David Omar Hernandez Lopez Hasan Shaheed Soft robotic retractor: design, modelling, fabrication and control
12:45-13:00 Moresche Grace Bartley Liz Tanner PCL Based Electrospun Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
13:00-13.15 Darren Graham Samuel Wilson Thomas Iskratsch Investigating Cardiomyocyte Dysfunction in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Associated with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
13.15-14.45 Feedback session followed by Lunch Break


Session Chairs: Gleb Sukhorukov and Emiliano Bilotti

Time PhD Student Supervisor Title
14:45-15:00 Emma Sadler Colin Crick The Design and Fabrication of Biocide-free Antifouling Materials
15:00-15:15 Xiangyan Yu Emiliano Bilotti Dielectric polymer composite with high thermal conductivity
15:15-15:30 Ceyla Asker Oliver Fenwick Low Dimensional Halide Perovskites for Thermoelectric Applications
15:30-15:45 Bowen Wang Haixue Yan Dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of high entropy tungsten bronze-typed ceramics
15:45-16:00 Haozhen Yuan Joseph Briscoe Development of new photo-ferroelectric materials for photocatalysis and photovoltaics
16:00-16:15 Cesar Hernandez Alvarez Lei Su Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization &- Phase Retrieval algorithm for single-shot imaging through scattering media
16.15-16.30 William Kyei-Manu James Busfield Preventing failure in high performance tyres by studying their cut and chip resistance
16.30-17.00 Feedback session followed by Mid session Coffee Break


Chair: Dimitrious Papageorgiou

17:00-17:30 Prof Ian Kinloch (University of Manchester)
2D reinforcements in Nanocomposites
17.45- Reception and Award Ceremony

Room 2: Bancroft 2.40


Session Chairs: Ketao Zhang and Roberto Volpe

Time PhD Student Supervisor Title
9:45-10:00 Zhujin Jiang (online) Ketao Zhang Pneumatic Torsional Actuators for Robots
10:00-10:15 Hussain Ali Abid Sergey Karabasov Theoretical and computational modelling of airframe / propulsion interaction noise for reduced noise aircraft design
10:15-10:30 Yang Chen Eldad Avital Fluid-structure interaction modelling for smart blades of renewable energy turbines
10:30-10:45 Navin Patel Ketao Zhang Mathematical Model of Bee Shimmering Dynamics for Agent Failure Applications in Swarm Robotics
10:45-11:00 Yujia Zhang Guang Li Lifeboat Recovery Control: Towards Safety and Reliability
11:00-11:15 Guillermo Guevara Morales Electrospray thrusters: Field evaporation in ionic liquids
11.15-11.45 Mid session Coffee Break
11:45-12:00 Anil Arpaci Jun Chen Intelligent Strategies to Combine Move Heuristics in Selection Hyper-heuristics for the Fibre Network Design Optimisation
12:00-12:15 Agamemnon Chaidos Neil Cagney Experimental study into the performance of vertical axis wind turbines

Chemical Engineering

Session Chairs: Roberto Volpe and Ketao Zhang

Time PhD Student Supervisor Title
12:15-12:30 Emily Lin Stoyan Smoukov Physical and chemical transformations for bottom-up manufacturing
12:30-12:45 Waqas Malik Roberto Volpe Few-layered graphene encapsulated Fe3C/Fe nanoparticles from Sporopollenin as a biomass carbon support: A study on the effect of Fe concentration on the synthesis and formation mechanism and its potential applications.
12:45- Feedback session followed by Lunch Break

Instructions for Speakers

  1. Speakers should submit their power point slides to session chairs one day before their presentations. The slides will be uploaded to the meeting platform so that the audience can download.
  2. Standard presentations are limited to 11 minutes with 3 additional minutes for questions. This is followed by 1 minute for transition to the next talk and introduction of the next speaker.
  3. Plenary talks are 30 minutes followed by discussion