
Image Awards Prize Ceremony and Exhibition

Image Awards Prize Ceremony and Exhibition
Date: Tuesday 26 June 2018 15:00 - 17:00
Location:The Old Library,
Garrod Building,
Whitechapel Campus

Join us for the official Prize Giving Ceremony and Exhibition of the Life Science Image Awards 2018 on Tuesday 26th June. Where our panel of judges – including Wellcome Image Awards Coordinator Sabrina Taner - will announce the winner for each category and the overall 2018 prize winner.

3pm: Event Opens
3:15pm: Event welcome from Panos Deloukas, Dean for Life Sciences and Peter McOwan, Vice Principal (Public Engagement and Student Enterprise)
3:15-4pm: Exhibition Viewing
4-4:30pm: Prize-giving ceremony
4:30pm-5pm: Final viewing and networking
5pm: Event Closes

Shortlisted images can be viewed here: