
Biomedial Applications of Elastomers

Biomedial Applications of Elastomers
Date: Friday 23 March 2018 13:30 - 16:45
Location:IOM3 HQ, 297 Euston Road, London, NW1 3AD Map 

The IOM3 Rubber in Engineering Group is hosting an afternoon technical discussion meeting (ATDM) will focus on the behaviour of elastomers that are used in biomedical applications.

Introduction - Prof James Busfield (QMUL)

"Silicone elastomers: from fast curing chemistry to biomedical applications" - Khai Duong Quang Nguyen, William Megone, Dexu Kong and Julien Gautrot (QMUL)

"The effects of sterilisation on properties of platinum cured silicone tube" - Beckie Govier (Watson-Marlow Tubing)

"Precision peristaltic tubing is manufactured in an ISO 14644-1 Class 7 clean room for use in biotechnology and pharmaceutical manufacturing processes." This talk discusses the effects of sterilisation on critical performance parameters.

"Soft and Small - the challenges of compression testing hydrogel embolic beads" - Rosemary Bushby and Andy Lewis (Biocompatibles UK, BTG)

"Synchrotron X-ray studies of elastomers used in biomedical applications under strain" - Tan Sui (University of Surrey)

"Increasing the X-ray contrast of polyethylene" - Elise Pegg (Bath University)

"Use of platinum cured silicone for increased comfort, control and moisture management in prosthetics" - Ana Gallego (Blatchford Group)

Arranged by:Queen Mary University of London
Contact:Prof James Busfield
Tel:020 7882 8866
People:James BUSFIELD Julien GAUTROT