Geophysical Jets: Formation and Existence
Date: | Wednesday 13 December 2017 14:00 - 15:00 |
Location: | Engineering Building 325 |
Abstract. Multiple zonal jets exist in planetary atmospheres, e.g. Jupiter and Saturn, which are thousands of km in length. These are formed because of the presence of large-scale planetary waves called "Rossby waves". More recently, similar patterns have also been observed in the oceans although they are of much smaller size. In this talk, I shall briefly explain how these jets are formed and what role the waves play in the stability of the jets.
Bio. Hemant Khatri is a Ph.D. student of Dr. Pavel Berloff in the department of mathematics at Imperial College. Before joining the Ph.D., I completed bachelors in chemical engineering, and then masters in atmospheric and oceanic sciences from India. Hemant's research interests include topics in large-scale turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, and he is currently working on the topic of alternating jets in the oceans.