
Geophysical Jets: Formation and Existence

Date: Wednesday 13 December 2017 14:00 - 15:00
Location:Engineering Building 325

Abstract. Multiple zonal jets exist in planetary atmospheres, e.g. Jupiter and Saturn, which are thousands of km in length. These are formed because of the presence of large-scale planetary waves called "Rossby waves". More recently, similar patterns have also been observed in the oceans although they are of much smaller size. In this talk, I shall briefly explain how these jets are formed and what role the waves play in the stability of the jets.

Bio. Hemant Khatri is a Ph.D. student of Dr. Pavel Berloff in the department of mathematics at Imperial College. Before joining the Ph.D., I completed bachelors in chemical engineering, and then masters in atmospheric and oceanic sciences from India. Hemant's research interests include topics in large-scale turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, and he is currently working on the topic of alternating jets in the oceans.