
Creating the Human Season: The Bionic Man (Nanomaterials, Tissue Growth and Implants)

Date: Wednesday 22 November 2017 18:30 - 20:30
Location:Pathology Museum (3rd Floor Robin Brook Centre)
QMUL School of Medicine and Dentistry
St Bartholomew's Hospital Site
West Smithfield
EC1A 7BE Map 

The Pathology Museum's "Creating the Human" Seminar Season focuses on how the human body can be created, re-created, misinterpreted and modified to devise our own, or others', physical and/or mental identities.
Join QMUL's own Prof. Alvaro Mata, Professor in Biomedical Engineering & Biomaterials from the School of Engineering and Materials Science (SEMS) for a fascinating and accessible lecture. He will talk about current research in nanotechnology, and how nature-inspired, smart nanomaterials can be created and used to grow tissues and organs."The Bionic Man - Nanomaterials and Tissue Growth" takes us on a journey through some different aspects of what we may consider a "bionic body". For example, Professor Mata's research involves molecularly-designed bioactive implants for applications such as tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and drug screening.
After the talk Victoria Rockell, Outreach and Recruitment Officer at SEMS,and some volunteers will demonstrate QMUL's famous 'Bionic Man', the alternative to the biological approach. This interactive stand gamifies medical implants by posing medical problems to participants who need to match the right implants for the situation. The stand itself takes the form of a game; visitors would be faced with a selection of medical implants and then read medical problems – they then have to try to match the implant to the problem. The facilitators are then able to explain how the implants work and how it is all related to Engineering.
In particular, this is aimed at a younger audience and those who may not normally be attracted to the prospect of engineering, so this encourages consideration of engineering as a subject area for the future. Visitors are able to interact with medical engineers and learn about the work which goes into medical implants, and their contributions to medical developments.
Sign up for a place here: