
IRC 25 Year Celebration

IRC 25 Year Celebration

Date: Friday 11 November 2016 10:00 - 22:00

Location: The Octagon, Queens Building, Mile End.

Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Biomedical Materials

A celebratory event marking 25 years since the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Biomedical Materials' launch will be held at QMUL. This will provide an opportunity to hear about the aims, ambitions and achievements of the IRC in Biomedical Materials, to develop future research collaborations at QMUL and to hear about its legacy.

The IRC pioneered innovation, development and testing of biomaterials and addressed the fundamentals of biological and clinical interfacing of materials. A key underpinning feature was the multidisciplinarity of IRC staff and students. The cross-disciplinary interactions involved cell culture, mass transport, metrology, materials processing and characterisation.

During its twelve years of operation, the IRC trained over 100 PhD students, who are now working in academic, clinical, research and industrial careers worldwide, as well as some pursuing successful careers outside science. A spin-out company, ApaTech Limited, was set up to commercially exploit the synthetic bone graft replacement technology developed by academics within the IRC.

The IRC legacy at QMUL is the Institute of Bioengineering, established in 2015, a cross-faculty initiative bringing together 50 academics from the faculties of Science & Engineering and Medicine & Dentistry. The Institute provides a focus for ground-breaking research aimed at the development of new medical technologies to meet the key healthcare challenges of the 21st century.

10:00 registration, refreshments and networking
10.30 Welcome and introduction
10.45 Short live talks by a selection of speakers from IRC alumni
12:00 Tours of new facilities in SEMS
12:30 Lunch and networking.
14:00 Foundation of the IRC; its aims and ambitions, Professor W Bonfield
14.30 Commercial success from the IRC
15.00 The international legacy of the IRC
15.30 Coffee Break
16:00 Innovations in teaching – biomaterials to medical engineering and beyond
16.20 The IRC legacy at QMUL– the Institute of Bioengineering
17:20 Drinks reception and networking
18:30 Party for IRC Alumni and invited guests

Tel:020 7227 8877