
Modelling of aerodynamic noise generated by high-speed jet flows (jet mixing noise, jet installation noise)

Principal investigator: Sergey KARABASOV
Co-investigator(s): V.F.Kopiev, D.A.Lybimov, V.M.Goloviznin, S.J.Leib, T.P.Hynes and T.K.Kozubskaya

LES solution for vorticity and acoustic field of a  high-speed turbulent jet (JEAN experiment)As the number of flights continues to increase each year, to reduce noise for those who live in the vicinity of the airports, each individual aircraft needs to be made quieter, and for turbofan engines jet noise remains a considerable noise source. In the past, most of the jet noise reduction for civil aircraft came from increasing the size of jet engine. This is because jet engine increase allowed reducing the jet speed for the same amount of thrust and, since jet mixing noise scales as a high power of the jet exit velocity, the noise was reduced too. However, any further decrease in noise is only possible if detailed noise mechanisms are quantified. In addition to jet mixing noise, for large size jets with a typical jet-under-wing configuration, effects of jet interaction with the wing and the airframe, such as jet-flap-interaction, need to be considered. This research aims to develop new computational modelling techniques for detailed investigation of effective jet noise sources based on a combination of computational methods and modern analytical techniques.

LES solution for dilatation ~ density derivative of a high-speed co-axial jet installed under the wing (TsAGI experiment)Collaborators: Ohio Aerospace Institute and NASA Glen US, Acoustic Division of Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) Russia, University of Cambridge Department of Engineering UK.
Research Staff: Dr Vasily Semiletov
PhD Student: Anuroopa Kalyan
Funding: EPSRC, AARC, Royal Society of London, TsAGI